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Friday, February 15, 2013

Yesterday, I received an amazing email. The girl who sent it is a true inspiration and a motivation for those who currently have the same problem. I'm so proud of her! And I know that YOU can overcome everything just like her, you're stronger than you think. Don't give up. NEVER give up. Everything will be okay.


I just wanted to let you know that you are doing such a wonderful, wonderful thing with your blog. I suffered with depression for a very, very long time. It started in elementary school and lasted for about a year or two after I graduated high school. I was suicidal at times, wanting to jump in front of cars walking to my bus stop in the morning. I would hold a handful of pills in my hand, and just let them sit there. I cut myself, a lot. That started in 5th or 6th grade. I never thought I would truly be happy.

Then, it happened. Life got better. I stopped cutting, and started being happy. Really, truly happy. Sometimes I still get in moods where I go back to those feelings, but thankfully they are few and far in between now. Life is wonderful.

I like to go on your blog as a reminder of everything I'm happy to say I survived. It serves as a continuing inspiration, motivator and reminder. I still have a few issues that I'm working through, like my low self-esteem, and you are helping me with that.

Sorry if I rambled. I just want you to know that you are such a caring and wonderful person, and I thank you so much personally, and on the behalf of everyone else like myself who visits your page.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.''


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