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Sunday, January 4, 2015


I realize, that overall, you weren’t worth it. There were moments with you that made me really, really happy; but the majority of the time you shut me out. That’s why I swear I’ll try and get over you. We might have had something really great, but I guess we’ll never know. I’ll never forget the good times I had with you, but I’ll also never forget how you hurt me more than anyone I have ever known.
I want you guys to read this and to keep this in mind. If I had read this two years ago, when I was with my ex, it would have saved me from a lot of problems. Even if you feel good with someone because he/she gives you the love and the attention you need, never ignore the little voice inside your head that keeps telling you that this person doesn't respect you. Never let someone make you feel like sh*t, especially if this person is your boyfriend/girlfriend. You have the right to choose people you spend your life with, so don't be scared to just get over them. They are not worth it. I know it's tough to do this because he/she is important for you, but you have to realize that this relationship is not good for you and that you don't love this person anymore; you're in love with the memories.

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